We are a movement committed to multiplying disciples, leaders, churches, & networks.

a local expression of a global movement.

We are a part of a global movement of disciples committed to the movement of Jesus.

We aim to be a movement of faithful reproduction: disciples, leaders, churches, and networks committed to reproducing in others what the Spirit has done in them. We believe this is the instruction of Jesus in the great commission.

We share the news that God is saving his world through Jesus, and we teach others to follow Jesus’ way.

Our part is to make disciples.

Those disciples become leaders; those leaders plant churches; those churches gather networks; those networks start movements.

Our gospel dream is to see a movement of church planting, a new church planted in every neighborhood and community in Kansas City.

Imagine the transformation that can occur if everyone in our city knew a disciple of Jesus, and experienced a taste of the Kingdom of God in their neighborhoods, families, and workplaces.

  • Doing this alone is next to impossible, so we have intentional rhythms for being friends on mission together.

  • From disciples to leaders, churches to networks, creating and catalyzing reproducing movements is at the center of everything we do.

  • We keep the money at the edges of movement. Networks pool their resources (people, pennies, and platform) locally to plant church planting churches together.

  • newthing churches are committed to investing in the next generation of church planters, which means creating apprenticing pipelines for future church planting.

what we do

We come from many tribes, but all share one aim: to participate in God’s kingdom in Kansas City. We navigate diversity by committing ourselves to these four tasks.


Troy McMahon
Restore Community Church

more questions?

Check out our FAQ or fill out a connect form and we’ll reach out.

We gather to reconnect, refocus, and encourage one another.