We believe our God is up to something new in our city, and that includes the planting of new churches. We exist to come along side church planters as they carry the Gospel of Jesus into every neighborhood of our city.
planting churches that plant churches.
Where is the Spirit leading you?
We imagine a new church planted in every neighborhood and community in Kansas City. This requires us to be unashamedly about church planting and church planters.
We believe too much in the creativity of the Holy Spirit to be prescriptive in church planting. We want to come alongside the dream God has inspired in you with our experiences, our relationships and our resources.
As we discover new expressions of what it means to be the church our ecclesial minimum is Worship, community and mission in the name of Jesus. If you’re planting out of your home or in a stadium as long as you are worshiping Jesus in a community that is living on mission we are excited to help.
Our goal is not just to help you plant a church; our goal is to help you plant a church that plants churches.
Together let’s discover where the Spirit is at work in Kansas City.
How does the movement help me plant?
we help you plant.
All of our resources are based in relationship. Connect with us to set up a conversation with of our leaders to learn more about newthing.
Friends on mission
Connections with local churches
Local support and friendship
Fundraising assistance
Move-in help
Spiritual care
Discipleship and Leadership Catalysts
Content and conversations on church planting
What does it look like to be a part of the movement?
commit to values.
We come from many tribes, but all share one aim: to participate in God’s kingdom in Kansas City. We navigate diversity by committing ourselves to these four tasks.
Doing this alone is next to impossible, so we have intentional rhythms for being friends on mission together.
From disciples to leaders, churches to networks, creating and catalyzing reproducing movements is at the center of everything we do.
We keep the money at the edges of movement. Networks pool their resources (people, pennies, and platform) locally to plant church planting churches together.
newthing churches are committed to investing in the next generation of church planters, which means creating apprenticing pipelines for future church planting.
commit to action.
We want to be action-oriented communities, thus we commit to reorienting our leadership and our ministries toward the Kingdom of Jesus.
newthing churches work toward 5-10% of thier budget being committed to church planting.
Be present in 80% of monthly gatherings. We gather to reconnect, refocus, and encourage one another.
It is not easy to change or shift our focus, sometimes we need someone else to point out our blind spots. Work with one of our network leaders to organize around church planting.